Rock My Wedding

Forever Bouquet Fine Art


Listing Details

Invest in an original oil painting commissioned by you and made to permanently preserve and capture forever the exquisite beauty of your wedding bouquet. Paintings made with love and about love!


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Caroline produced a stunning painting of my bouquet. I look at it every day and am reminded of just how beautiful our flowers were and of all the associated memories of our amazing day. A truly special piece of original art work in our home that we shall treasure for years to come.
Emma & Mark
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It's so lovely to have original art in our home and to have such a personal association with the subject. Caroline painted our flowers in such a beautiful way and the canvas just looks stunning on our wall. It is often a talking point when we have guests round. Thank you!
Liz & Paul
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When we found Forever Bouquet Fine Art I fell in love with the idea of having my bouquet captured in this way. Caroline did such a beautiful job and the painting of our flowers in amazing! Would thoroughly recommend!
Laura & Ben
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You don't realise until after your wedding day how much you want to hold on to your bouquet and have it as a keepsake. My bouquet was SO gorgeous and drying it seemed really sad and unsatisfactory. Thankfully, we found Forever Bouquet Fine Art and Caroline was able to create a painting for us which perfectly preserved the beauty of our flowers and keeps them forever fresh in our minds. Brilliant!
Clare & Jason

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