What Made Our Day Unique
Everything about our tipi wedding day was carefully thought out and DIY'd to create a relaxed, fun and alternative vibe which reflected our personalities! We really did carefully curate and create almost everything, from two years of collating colourful vases, making DIY bars and signage, designing fabric and stationery and lots of wonderful hula hoops creations. We also went for a splash around in the local ford with our friends Chevy vintage truck which resulted in some awesome photos!Laura & James
Our Epic Diy Project
“Project Bar" was also an interesting one. We didn't want our guests to spend fortune on drinks and so we decided to supply the whole bar but it didn't turn out as expensive as you may think! We had a self service bar, which yes did require a lot of pre-planning to ensure drinks remained cold (involving lots of signage to make sure our guests replenished drinks in the fridges + buying an ice machine), wash areas for glasses and of course creating a bad ass bar menu so our guests knew what was available, which included cocktails our guests could mix themselves on the day. We supplied premium drinks which our guests loved and to help recoup the cost we left an "adventure fund" jar on the bar where our guests could deposit cash and we got a large amount of the money we spent back.Laura & James