What Made Our Day Unique
We definitely went for a unique style when it came to our absolutely killer day! We wanted a really chilled out day that suited our quirky personalities and feel like we really delivered on all points. The main trick to making the day our own was all the handmade touches that went into the day. All the hand-painted signs, banners, stationery, leather jacket and backdrops were made by myself including the DIY neon sign. The macrame backdrops are something that I am particularly proud of and have now created a macrame wedding design business out of it!Amanda & Will
Inspiration & Styling
We wanted the day to suit our quirky personalities. I don't think that there is really a name for the style of the wedding but I suppose you could call it Bohemian Rock (think Stevie Nicks). I just took all the things we loved and ran with it. I tried not to get too caught up with tradition and what people expected of our day. It was more important that everyone felt relaxed and ready to party! Our guests were invited to wear Christmas jumpers and we had a competition in the evening for the best one with a free drink at the bar!Amanda & Will
Don't get too fixated on perfection or the tiniest mishap might break you. Let your day be exactly what you are... real. Get a good photographer and remember it's your day! I say, to hell with tradition! No veils, no problem. Leather jackets, no problem. Flowers? Piercings? Tattoos? Church? Invitation politics? You want aardvarks dressed as elephants!? NO FRICKIN' PROBLEM! Make your wedding day exactly what it should be... YOUR day. Be comfy. Be happy. Be you. And I promise you won't be disappointed!Amanda & Will