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Wedding Party Songs - The Ultimate Wedding Party Playlist

Photography by Olegs Samsonovs Photography
Music plays such an important part of your life. It can literally take you right back to a certain year, a certain boy, or most importantly an epic wedding! My husband & I love playing the game 'what year was that’ when we’re listening to the radio or flicking through the music channels & we both often refer to it as a memory; the year we first met or the year we had our first-born. Fill your dancing playlist full of these favourite wedding party songs and we guarantee you'll have an incredible dancefloor full of bouncing, smiling faces.
Image by <a href="https://www.camillaarnholdphotography.com">Camilla Arnhold Photography</a>
Image by <a href="https://www.millieandbelle.com">Millie and Belle</a>
Image by <a href="https://fionasweddingphotography.co.uk">Fiona Kelly Photography</a>
Image by <a href="https://www.misterphill.com">Mister Phill</a>
Image by <a href="https://www.misterphill.com">Mister Phill</a>
Image by <a href="https://www.samgibsonweddings.co.uk">Sam Gibson Photography</a>

Rob and I are lucky enough to have some amazing friends & we have been to some truly fabulous weddings, all different, but all equally epic as they’ve created the perfect party atmosphere. Our group has some poignant songs which just have to be played at each wedding /party/gathering and I think the song that sums up our group the most is The Killers Mr Brightside, no wait is it Take That’s ‘Never Forget’ actually it could also be Michael Jackson’s ‘Man in the Mirror’, ok it’s ALL of them and probably some more too! But my point is music is so infectious but so unique to personal taste how do you satisfy the crowd & find that perfect eclectic mix to keep everyone busting moves on the dance floor? So many more of our lovely Brides and Grooms are opting for a budget-friendly Spotify playlist and control over what's being played. So here at RMW towers, we thought we'd help you with the 'wedmin' so you can cross another job off your list and created 'The Ultimate Wedding Party Playlist' for you jam-packed with amazing wedding party songs! We each added our favourite anthems and then we also asked our lovely Facebook community for their favourite song to guarantee them up and on the dance floor shaking their tail feather. We have to say we were pretty impressed with the suggestions and we haven't been able to stop humming along and tapping our feet since! I challenge you to not find a genre or song on there that you don't think YES I'd definitely shimmy along to the dance floor for that one!

Pin Wedding Party Songs below!

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