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I Promise You by Myriah

I Promise You by Myriah is a wedding poem that’s all about the promises that matter. Wedding vows can sometimes be very poetic and promise that your love and your life together will always be sunshine and rainbows but this modern wedding reading does the opposite. The poem starts by listing the things they can’t promise like that there won’t be dark clouds over their lives or the future will be full of rainbows but focuses on more realistic promises like always being there to hold your hands and listen when they need you or cheer you on in every endeavour, which is why we love this wedding reading. Intrigued? Download a free printable version below, which you can take straight to your ceremony. 

I Promise You

by Myriah

I can’t promise you

That dark clouds

Will never hover

Over our lives Or that the future

Will bring us many rainbows.

I can’t promise you that

Tomorrow will be perfect

Or that our lives will be easy.

I can promise you my everlasting

Devotion, my loyalty, my respect,

And my unconditional love for a lifetime.

I can promise you that

I’ll always be here for you,

To listen and to hold your hand,

And I’ll do my best to make you happy,

And make you feel loved.

I can promise you that

I can see you through a crisis

And pray with you,

Dream with you,

Build with you,

And always cheer you on

And encourage you.

I can promise you that

I’ll willingly be your protector,

Your adviser, your counsellor,

Your friend, your family,

Your everything.

I promise you.

I Promise You by Myriah wedding poem
Rock My Wedding
We promise you…
That you won’t regret choosing this wedding reading! It’s a simple but meaningful poem that perfectly captures the excitement of entering a new chapter together.
Download PDF

This wedding reading isn’t the only promise you’ll make on your wedding day. You’ll make promises to each other forever in your wedding vows in whatever form they take for you (religious or personally written). You can see our advice on writing your own wedding vows for some tips. Choosing your wedding reading is one of the more fun tasks when it comes to wedding planning, but we know that not everything feels as simple. We spoke to wedding planning experts to help you manage wedding planning stress


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