
Zodiac Pairings & Compatibility - Will Your Marriage Last?

Photography by Laura Mac Photography

When it comes to relationships, some believe the stars hold the answers to how we connect with our partners and whether our love will stand the test of time. Could the zodiac sign you and your partner were born under offer insight into the longevity of your marriage? In this article, we explore the cosmic connections, the most compatible pairings, and whether your zodiac match is destined for a lifelong love story. Whether you're a firm believer in astrology or simply curious, let’s get into the most and least compatible marriage matches for your zodiac sign starting with Aries, the first sign of the zodiac, and ending with Pisces, the last sign of the zodiac. Don't forget to check your moon and rising sign against our Zodiac Compatibility Chart for more accurate analysis.

Quick disclaimer, just because astrology says you are or aren’t compatible with another zodiac sign doesn’t mean you should base any decision around your marriage or relationships on it. Ultimately, your relationships, whether they’re romantic or platonic, depend on emotional connection, shared values, mutual respect, and understanding communication styles.

One last thing, complete zodiac compatibility is based on a lot more than just your sun sign. In-depth astrology would also focus on the planetary placements and their houses, your rising, Venus, Mars, and moon sign too! So, for a complete analysis of your birth charts, we recommend speaking to an astrologer. 

Find out your love and marriage compatibility with the most and least compatible matches for each zodiac sign

What Is Zodiac Sign Compatibility Based On?

Zodiac compatibility is usually based on a total analysis of your birth chart, which includes looking at your planets and what sign and house they reside in and comparing those placements and aspects with your partner’s birth chart. However, for the sake of this article, we’ll just be comparing zodiac signs based on their elements and modalities. 

Zodiac Sign Elements 

Fire (Aries, Leo, Sagittarius), Water (Cancer, Scorpio, Pisces), Air (Gemini, Libra, Aquarius) and Earth (Taurus, Virgo, Capricorn).

When it comes to the most compatible elements the most common acceptance of this is that Fire and Air work well together or with someone of their own sign and Earth and Water work well together or with someone of their own sign.

Zodiac Sign Modalities 

Cardinal (Aries, Cancer, Libra, Capricorn), Mutable (Gemini, Virgo, Sagittarius, Pisces), and Fixed (Taurus, Leo, Scorpio, Aquarius). 

Modalities of the signs speak to a person’s nature. Cardinal signs are leaders and visionaries who seek newness and creativity, Mutable signs are associated with change and transformation. Whereas fixed signs are more about stability and endurance. These can affect the way a sign views relationships. 



March 21–April 19

An Aries is bold, adventurous, and known for their fiery, go-getter attitude. 

Most Compatible: Libra

Libra is directly opposite Aries on the Zodiac Wheel and, for this reason, is one of the most compatible signs for Aries. This is because Aries’ bold and daring characteristics can be harmonised and balanced by Libra’s diplomatic side. Plus, Libras are often total romantics and love to spoil and be spoiled. Aries' need to impress and feel like the hero complements this. This pairing will work as long as the signs can understand their differences. 

Least Compatible: Cancer

The nature of these two signs can often cause a lot of friction and frustration. Cancer being so home-oriented can make Aries feel trapped with their adventurous and spontaneous nature. Plus, Cancer signs are known for tip-toeing around issues and avoiding confrontation whereas Aries like to face it head-on. This can lead to passive aggressiveness in arguments.

Zodiac Sign Compatibility Chart
Do you think you've found the one? Check out your compatibility with your lover's zodiac sign to see if you can go the distance. Don't forget to apply your moon and rising signs too!
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April 20–May 20

A Taurus is reliable, patient, and loves the comforts of life.

Most Compatible: Cancer  

A Taurus’ best match is a Cancer sign. This is because these two signs have very similar values in life. They both seek comfort, stability and security in their relationships and these two signs will support each other through everything life throws at them. Cancer’s emotional intelligence can help Taurus open up and see things with more open-mindedness. 

Least Compatible: Sagittarius

Sagittarius is known in the cosmos as the most spontaneous and the least likely to stay in one place for too long, which is why they misalign with Taurus in every single way. These signs just won’t see eye to eye on many challenges in a relationship. 



May 21–June 20

A Gemini is curious, sociable, and quick-witted with a lively personality.

Most Compatible: Leo / Aquarius 

Known as the zodiac sign with two faces, we thought it appropriate that this sign has two top matches. Leos are perfect for Geminis with their optimistic attitude and ability to feed off of each other’s energy in a mutually beneficial way. A total powerhouse couple, only Leo could handle Gemini’s energy and vice versa. Aquarius are also an ideal match with Gemini. These two sign have so much in common and Gemini’s curiosity and artistic side will fall head over heels with Aquarius’ open-mindedness and innovative way of thinking.

Least Compatible: Taurus

The worst traits of Taurus are that they can be stubborn and predictable. Geminis, with their natural wit, intelligence and need for stimulation, can often feel bored in relationships with a Taurus, Plus, being a mutable sign, Geminis may actually try and change themselves to be more like the Taurus and find themselves very unhappy. 



June 21–July 22

Cancer is nurturing, sensitive, and deeply connected to family and home.

Most Compatible: Capricorn 

As well as a Taurus, Cancer also works well with another earth sign, Capricorn. This is especially true if the Capricorn is more of a masculine energy in the relationship. These are the literal mum and dad of the zodiac sign. Cancer’s nurturing side complements Capricorn’s more regimented and driven nature. 

Least Compatible: Aries

We already said so under the Aries section, but we can’t think of another sign that wouldn’t work as well with Cancer. These two can just be total opposites in communication styles as well as love languages. It would take the Aries perhaps having more earth placements in either their moon or Mars sign to make them more compatible with Cancer. 



July 23–August 22

A Leo is confident, charismatic, and thrives in the spotlight.

Most Compatible: Leo

The best match for a Leo is another Leo. We mentioned previously that Geminis and Leos can work well together but besides that, fire signs are the best bet for Leo’s. Only another fire sign could have the patience to match Leo’s confidence and sometimes put them in their place when necessary. A Leo needs to be admired and adored above all else and another Leo would understand that better than anyone.

Least Compatible: Scorpio

Leo’s innate optimism and need for the spotlight totally contrasts with Scorpio’s happiness in the shadows. That being said, as much as Scorpio is one of those mysterious signs where Leo lays everything out on the table, Scorpio is also willing to talk about the dark sides of life. They love a deep chat about the universe. This doesn’t always align with Leo’s optimism and they may shy away or avoid those discussions. 



August 23–September 22

A Virgo is practical, detail-oriented, and values organisation and order.

Most Compatible: Capricorn

Both of these zodiac signs are earth signs, which means they have a tendency to view relationships in a very practical way. Virgos seek relationships that take them out of their stress, work, and intense mental activity, but they also need some stimulation and intellect at the same time, which is why Capricorn, who is all about putting their best foot forward is perfect for them. 

Least Compatible: Gemini

With Virgo’s need for planning and organisation, the chaotic wind that is Gemini seeks to destroy that all. These signs just don’t often work out in the long run since their everyday habits and long-term needs don’t align. 



September 23–October 22

A Libra is diplomatic, charming, and seeks harmony in relationships.

Most Compatible: Gemini

Besides an Aries, it’s also worth mentioning that Libra’s also gel well with other air signs but especially Gemini. They say that communication is the key to any relationship and no signs understand that better than these two.

Least Compatible: Capricorn 

Capricorns can face their life with a bit of an iron fist. They have rules and beliefs, that although may change, are taken very seriously. To a Libra, Capricorns can come across as patronising and Libras won’t understand their boundaries and rules or why the Capricorn has them.



October 23–November 21

A Scorpio is intense, passionate, and known for being mysterious. 

Most Compatible: Cancer 

In relationships, Scorpios seek trust and understanding. To a Scorpio, every single one of their relationships holds a deep purpose to their life, so they really value the loyalty of Cancers. Cancer’s emotional intelligence can give Scorpio that voice of reason they seek. 

Least Compatible: Aquarius

Scorpio embraces life as it is and they can often go through some of life’s hardest trials, because of this they're very in tune with their emotions and may find Aquarius to be too aloof and have trouble understanding their more rational way of thinking. However, one thing they really have in common is their need for control. 



November 22–December 21

A Sagittarius is adventurous, optimistic, and always eager for new experiences.

Most Compatible: Leo / Aries

A Sagittarius is most suited to fellow fire signs. You'd think that two fire signs might create a bit too much heat, but that's not the case. Aries individuals are known for their ambitious and energetic personalities, while Sagittarians are characterised by their adventurous spirits, optimistic outlook and open-mindedness. In the same way that Leo’s thrive off of creativity and self-expression. These signs both allow Sagittarius to embrace who they really are. 

Least Compatible: Virgo 

Known for their free-spiritedness, Virgo can really seek to control this aspect of Sagittarius. Virgo may pressure Sagittarius into putting down roots and Sagittarius’ need for socialisation and going to events or travelling can jar Virgo’s entire nature. 



December 22–January 19

A Capricorn is disciplined, ambitious, and focused on achieving long-term goals.

Most Compatible: Cancer / Virgo 

We mentioned before that Cancers and Capricorns are the ultimate parents of the zodiac but Virgos are also a great match for a Capricorn. These signs are grounded, stable, and at peace so naturally the union of the two will be one to look out for. They are also good at supporting each other's goals and ambitions while championing a healthy sense of autonomy and individuality in relationships.

Least Compatible: Leo 

Leo and Capricorn can be a hard combo for love in a similar way to how Scorpios don’t gel well with Leos. Capricorn is all about reality and can sometimes come off harsh when really, in their eyes, they’re just stating facts. Leo can sometimes feel like Capricorn is pessimistic and goes out of their way to wipe the smile off their faces. Resentment can be common here. 



January 20–February 18

An Aquarius is independent, innovative, and loves to think outside the box.

Most Compatible: Sagittarius 

Aquarius is one of those signs that doesn’t get angry over much and they can be quite elusive or nonchalant for that reason. One of the signs that wouldn’t mind this is Sagittarius. Aquarius aren’t afraid to break the mould and Sagittarius would celebrate this as they’re of a similar mindset themselves. 

Least Compatible: Taurus

Aquarius may feel limited by Taurus. They may see Taurus as stubborn, narrow-minded and even materialistic. Arguments over finances may be common in these relationships. Aquarius are known for being not very sentimental and they may struggle to understand Taurus. 



February 19–March 20

A Pisces is empathetic, creative, and deeply in tune with their emotions.

Most Compatible: Scorpio 

Known as the dreamer of the zodiac, it just makes sense that Pisceans work well with Scorpios. They understand the complexities of life and the importance of having a support system during challenging times, so they tend to remain connected and trusting of each other even when life throws the biggest curveballs at them. This connection can often feel very spiritual. 

Least Compatible: Virgo 

Virgo's schedules and meticulous look at life can be overbearing for Pisces. It’s not just Virgo, but most earth signs would irritate a Pisces. Pisces like to sometimes live with their head in the clouds, they’re big daydreamers and are highly emotional and the grounding nature of the earth signs can cause frustration. 

Complete Zodiac Compatibility Chart
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What To Do If Your Zodiac Sign Compatibility Isn’t High

As we mentioned, looking at base-level compatibility is about comparing zodiac signs, elements, and modalities which often pair the same or the exact opposite sign together. But who says being exactly alike or completely different makes for the best relationship? There’s magic in being with someone who keeps you on your toes and helps you grow. The best relationships often challenge us in the best ways, creating room for growth and deeper connection. 

And here’s a little reality check: Even if your stars are perfectly aligned, you’re still going to have ups and downs. A relationship is about choosing each other every day, working on yourselves, respecting one another, and nurturing that special connection you share.

You can also use this list with your moon and rising sign to check your marriage compatibility with zodiac signs 

If you identify strongly with your zodiac sign or would like to include loved ones who have passed away in your day in a symbolic way, you should take a look at our article all about birth flowers with each flower’s meaning. 

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